24/7 Safe & Secure



The Centurion Group provides the security for the team of sentry officers at two gates and the patrol officers who tour and continuously surveil all of Mountaingate’s communities 24/7/365. In the event of Incident Reports and Violation Notices, alarms of fire, medical emergencies, burglary or other actions, the officers respond as needed.  

The Crown is working on completing its gate project, which was started many years ago. In the interim, it has installed an electronic (virtual) gate that is activated at night. Intruders trip the electronic beam and send an alert to the command center, and the patrol officer is immediately deployed to investigate. 

The Stoney Hill and Ridge guard houses are now inter-operable whereby one guard house can take over for the other in the case of an emergency where an additional officer is needed. Each guard on duty can monitor the cameras of the other guard house. The two guard houses are connected via fiber optic cables.


The Ridge and Stoney Hill Guardhouses have received new servers that can handle more cameras and the Crown will be installing its own new server to handle its 18+ cameras. Two license plate reading cameras (FLOK cameras) on Mountaingate Drive to able to capture license plates of anyone coming up Mountaingate (above the golf club) and down Mountaingate Drive (above the Ridge) have been installed. A tilt, pan, zoom FLOK camera has been installed at the bottom of Mountaingate Drive to monitor the intersection with Sepulveda. All of these three cameras will be able to be accessed by LAPD who requested access. Using artificial intelligence and a database of cars belonging to residents, we will know which drivers (especially at night) belong in Moungaingate or not. The Stoney Hill Guard house is monitoring the Terrace gate and its cameras as well as the Crown’s cameras. 

An important accomplishment during 2022 was the deepening of the relationship with LAPD. After constant complaints, communications and even the intervention of the LAPD and our City Council Office, the LAPD is now fully engaged with Mountaingate. We have ready access to our lead officer, Matthew Kirk as well as the division commander, Capt. Richard Gabaldon. The working relationship between Mountaingate and LAPD will only improve over the next years, especially as they will be able to access our FLOK cameras. Our relationship with LAFD (Valley Division) is equally excellent and we have access to the highest levels of the Valley Division lead by former LAFD Chief Kristin Crowley.